Discover How

Discover How


One strategy is to work with local community partners and empower the kids through them.
  • We work together and aid the community to raise healthy and educated children -- often with local partners such as orphanages
  • We help children with different needs, in particular orphans and disabled children
  • We empower the children so that they can pursue their dreams and fulfil their potentials
  • We provide win-win partnerships with corporations in Denmark sharing our fundamental values and goals
  • We provide cultural exchange where we give volunteers from Europe a chance to stay in the villages and work with our programme for some weeks or months


Activity #1

Support for Children Living with Disabilities

In the community of Western Kenya, children living with a disability are often without even the simplest things needed to get along in their daily lives, let alone live out their full life potentials.

We continuously strive to provide assistive technology, such as wheelchairs and other measures that improve the well-being as well as means and possibilities for children living with a disability.


  • To improve bathroom facilities, to make them more user friendly. Especially, for the physically challenged children in Sigomere, Ugunja with gadgets on their legs that they use as support.
One activity is to reach out for the children living with disability and support them.
One activity is to provide various forms of support for vulnerable children and thereby improve their chances to succeed in school.

Activity #2

Educational Support

Coming from a very poor home, or even being orphaned, gives many children of Western Kenya an unfortunate start in the educational system. School fees, tuition fees, uniforms, books, stationary and the chance to attend school and do homework after school are all challenges facing such children.

We have established and run programmes that provide tuition for pupils whereby they have obtained better school results and hence improved possibilities. We have assisted orphanages with computers and contributed to the running of computer classes and thereby enabled the children to get a grasp of IT technology. Both tuition and IT skills are important activities for us onwards.

Activity #3

Nutritional Support and Counselling for Vulnerable Children

Vulnerable children — orphans and others — are often without a strong supportive family network in the community we work in.

Some of these children are also living with HIV, and therefore have special needs when it comes to nutrition and health service.

In a situation where these vulnerable children are without sufficient family support, we see it as a strategic entry point to assist whatever caretakers that actually help them — be it volunteers, family relatives or guardians at orphanages. We have run — and continue to do so — various nutritional support schemes and counselling aiming at mitigating the harsh conditions under which these children live.


  • To implement a feeding program specifically for the HIV positive children in Asembo.
  • Offer psychosocial support to the affected communities of Asembo through counselling.
One activity is to provide nutritional support and counselling in connection with vulnerable children.
A number of cross-cutting activities enhances our other activities.

Activity #4

Cross-cutting Activities

In addition to the above, we carry out various crosscutting activities that either have an impact of their own or support the outcome of our other activities.


  • To educate children suffering from jiggers on their legs on how to disinfect their environment and themselves in Gem and Nyakach.
  • To create a profile description on every child reached and assess the impact of the service we render.